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Every episode of my web series BROBOT begins with a story. Below are some examples of scripts of upcoming and past episodes, the contents of which are not at all final. Much of the dialogue may be revised during the record/animation stages.

BROBOT: "Midway Madness" (2023)

This was the record draft for the fourth show. It's a little different in the final board, but you can see how it changed if you read it!

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8.45.45 PM.png

BROBOT: "High Stakes" (2022)

This is episode nine in the planned first BROBOT season; it hasn't been boarded yet. It's a very visual show where Brobot gets so high that he explores different animation styles.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8.45.25 PM.png

BROBOT: "The Miracle of Milo" (2022)

This is the record draft of the fifth episode for BROBOT. It's got a few differences, but it's my favorite script I've written!

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8.45.35 PM.png

BROBOT: "Hillsdaleoween" (2019)

An early draft for BROBOT episode 3. This iteration dates to a year prior, and features lots of cut-for-time jokes and revisions.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8.45_edited.png

Copyright © 2024 Tyler Hardin

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